Similar words: (1.00) (0.71) (0.67) (0.67) (0.67) class 1> (obshestvennyi) klass _Ex: the working class rabochii klass _Ex: the middle class _polit-ek. Burzhuaziya; srednee soslovie; srednii sloi obshestva _Ex: the upper class aristokratiya, dvoryanstvo; vysshee soslovie, vysshie sloi obshestva; krupnaya burzhuaziya _Ex: lower middle class melkaya burzhuaziya; nizy srednego klassa; meshanstvo, meshane _Ex: landed classes pomeshiki, zemlevladel'cy 2> _redk. Imushie klassy _Ex: the classes and masses vse sloi obshestva _Ex: to back the masses against the classes podderzhivat' trudyashihsya v bor'be protiv imushih 3> klassovyi _Ex: class society klassovoe obshestvo _Ex: class struggle klassovaya bor'ba _Ex: class differences klassovye razlichiya _Ex: class alien klassovo chuzhdyi element 4> klass; razryad; gruppa; kategoriya; vid, rod _Ex: ship's class klass sudna _Ex: classes of weight _sport. Vesovye kategorii _Ex: open class _sport. Svobodnyi klass _Ex: class of fit _teh.
RogerBon 25.09.17 14:37 phones like Micromax.
Tip posadki _Ex: two classes of poets poety dvuh rodov _Ex: different classes of intellect raznyi sklad uma _Ex: a good class of man poryadochnyi chelovek _Ex: a poor class of house plohoi doi _Ex: the best class of hotel pervoklassnaya gostinica, gostinica vysshego razryada _Ex: in a class by itself edinstvennyi v svoem rode; nepodrazhaemyi, nepovtorimyi, nezamenimyi 5> klass (poezda, parohoda) _Ex: to travel first class ezdit' pervym klassom 6> _mor. Tip (korablya) 7> sort, kachestvo _Ex: first class pervoklassnyi, vysshego sorta 8> klass (v shkole); gruppa (v kolledzhe) _Ex: the top of the class pervyi uchenik (v klasse) _Ex: to take a class of beginners vzyat' gruppu nachinayushih _Ex: listen, class! Poslushaite, deti! (obrashenie uchitelya) _Ex: class dismissed! Urok okonchen!, zanyatie okoncheno!; mozhete idti! 9> kruzhok (po izucheniyu chego-l) 10> zanyatie; zanyatiya; kurs obucheniya _Ex: to take classes uchit'sya (chemu-l); prohodit' kurs obucheniya (kakomu-l. Predmetu) _Ex: to take classes in cookery uchit'sya na kursah kulinarii _Ex: what time does the class begin?
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Kogda nachinayutsya zanyatiya? _Ex: when is class? Kogda nachalo zanyatii?, kogda prihodit' v shkolu? 11> vypusk studentov ili uchashihsya (odnogo goda); _Ex: class of 1980 vypusk 1980 goda 12> _biol. Klass 13> otlichie _Ex: to get class okonchit' (kurs) s otlichiem 14> _razg. Dostoinstvo (povedeniya); vysokie kachestva (haraktera) _Ex: the new teacher's got real class novaya uchitel'nica derzhitsya s bol'shim dostoinstvom _Ex: to be no class _razg.
Nichego ne stoit', nikuda ne godit'sya _Ex: he is no class eto chelovek nizkogo poshiba 15> _sl. 'klass', shik; privlekatel'nost' _Ex: that girl's got class! Klassnaya devchonka! Rang 17> _am. Stat'ya; _Ex: seaman 1st class matros 1-i stat'i 18> _voen.
Prizyvniki odnogo goda rozhdeniya _Ex: the class of 1937 prizyvniki 1937 goda rozhdeniya 19> klassifikacionnyi _Ex: class heading shirokaya rubrika (sistematicheskoi klassifikacii) _Ex: class letter _mor. Bukva, oznachayushaya tip korablya; _spec. Bukva klassifikacionnogo znaka, bukva indeksa _Ex: class mark klassifikacionnyi znak 20> uchebnyi; otnosyashiisya k klassu, k zanyatiyam _Ex: class hours uchebnye chasy _Ex: class day _am.
Similar words: (1.00) (0.71) (0.67) (0.67) (0.67) class 1> (obshestvennyi) klass _Ex: the working class rabochii klass _Ex: the middle class _polit-ek. Burzhuaziya; srednee soslovie; srednii sloi obshestva _Ex: the upper class aristokratiya, dvoryanstvo; vysshee soslovie, vysshie sloi obshestva; krupnaya burzhuaziya _Ex: lower middle class melkaya burzhuaziya; nizy srednego klassa; meshanstvo, meshane _Ex: landed classes pomeshiki, zemlevladel\'cy 2> _redk. Imushie klassy _Ex: the classes and masses vse sloi obshestva _Ex: to back the masses against the classes podderzhivat\' trudyashihsya v bor\'be protiv imushih 3> klassovyi _Ex: class society klassovoe obshestvo _Ex: class struggle klassovaya bor\'ba _Ex: class differences klassovye razlichiya _Ex: class alien klassovo chuzhdyi element 4> klass; razryad; gruppa; kategoriya; vid, rod _Ex: ship\'s class klass sudna _Ex: classes of weight _sport. Vesovye kategorii _Ex: open class _sport. Svobodnyi klass _Ex: class of fit _teh.
RogerBon 25.09.17 14:37 phones like Micromax.
Tip posadki _Ex: two classes of poets poety dvuh rodov _Ex: different classes of intellect raznyi sklad uma _Ex: a good class of man poryadochnyi chelovek _Ex: a poor class of house plohoi doi _Ex: the best class of hotel pervoklassnaya gostinica, gostinica vysshego razryada _Ex: in a class by itself edinstvennyi v svoem rode; nepodrazhaemyi, nepovtorimyi, nezamenimyi 5> klass (poezda, parohoda) _Ex: to travel first class ezdit\' pervym klassom 6> _mor. Tip (korablya) 7> sort, kachestvo _Ex: first class pervoklassnyi, vysshego sorta 8> klass (v shkole); gruppa (v kolledzhe) _Ex: the top of the class pervyi uchenik (v klasse) _Ex: to take a class of beginners vzyat\' gruppu nachinayushih _Ex: listen, class! Poslushaite, deti! (obrashenie uchitelya) _Ex: class dismissed! Urok okonchen!, zanyatie okoncheno!; mozhete idti! 9> kruzhok (po izucheniyu chego-l) 10> zanyatie; zanyatiya; kurs obucheniya _Ex: to take classes uchit\'sya (chemu-l); prohodit\' kurs obucheniya (kakomu-l. Predmetu) _Ex: to take classes in cookery uchit\'sya na kursah kulinarii _Ex: what time does the class begin?
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Kogda nachinayutsya zanyatiya? _Ex: when is class? Kogda nachalo zanyatii?, kogda prihodit\' v shkolu? 11> vypusk studentov ili uchashihsya (odnogo goda); _Ex: class of 1980 vypusk 1980 goda 12> _biol. Klass 13> otlichie _Ex: to get class okonchit\' (kurs) s otlichiem 14> _razg. Dostoinstvo (povedeniya); vysokie kachestva (haraktera) _Ex: the new teacher\'s got real class novaya uchitel\'nica derzhitsya s bol\'shim dostoinstvom _Ex: to be no class _razg.
Nichego ne stoit\', nikuda ne godit\'sya _Ex: he is no class eto chelovek nizkogo poshiba 15> _sl. \'klass\', shik; privlekatel\'nost\' _Ex: that girl\'s got class! Klassnaya devchonka! Rang 17> _am. Stat\'ya; _Ex: seaman 1st class matros 1-i stat\'i 18> _voen.
Prizyvniki odnogo goda rozhdeniya _Ex: the class of 1937 prizyvniki 1937 goda rozhdeniya 19> klassifikacionnyi _Ex: class heading shirokaya rubrika (sistematicheskoi klassifikacii) _Ex: class letter _mor. Bukva, oznachayushaya tip korablya; _spec. Bukva klassifikacionnogo znaka, bukva indeksa _Ex: class mark klassifikacionnyi znak 20> uchebnyi; otnosyashiisya k klassu, k zanyatiyam _Ex: class hours uchebnye chasy _Ex: class day _am.
...'>Akt Brakerazhnoj Komissii V Shkole Obrazec(10.12.2018)Similar words: (1.00) (0.71) (0.67) (0.67) (0.67) class 1> (obshestvennyi) klass _Ex: the working class rabochii klass _Ex: the middle class _polit-ek. Burzhuaziya; srednee soslovie; srednii sloi obshestva _Ex: the upper class aristokratiya, dvoryanstvo; vysshee soslovie, vysshie sloi obshestva; krupnaya burzhuaziya _Ex: lower middle class melkaya burzhuaziya; nizy srednego klassa; meshanstvo, meshane _Ex: landed classes pomeshiki, zemlevladel\'cy 2> _redk. Imushie klassy _Ex: the classes and masses vse sloi obshestva _Ex: to back the masses against the classes podderzhivat\' trudyashihsya v bor\'be protiv imushih 3> klassovyi _Ex: class society klassovoe obshestvo _Ex: class struggle klassovaya bor\'ba _Ex: class differences klassovye razlichiya _Ex: class alien klassovo chuzhdyi element 4> klass; razryad; gruppa; kategoriya; vid, rod _Ex: ship\'s class klass sudna _Ex: classes of weight _sport. Vesovye kategorii _Ex: open class _sport. Svobodnyi klass _Ex: class of fit _teh.
RogerBon 25.09.17 14:37 phones like Micromax.
Tip posadki _Ex: two classes of poets poety dvuh rodov _Ex: different classes of intellect raznyi sklad uma _Ex: a good class of man poryadochnyi chelovek _Ex: a poor class of house plohoi doi _Ex: the best class of hotel pervoklassnaya gostinica, gostinica vysshego razryada _Ex: in a class by itself edinstvennyi v svoem rode; nepodrazhaemyi, nepovtorimyi, nezamenimyi 5> klass (poezda, parohoda) _Ex: to travel first class ezdit\' pervym klassom 6> _mor. Tip (korablya) 7> sort, kachestvo _Ex: first class pervoklassnyi, vysshego sorta 8> klass (v shkole); gruppa (v kolledzhe) _Ex: the top of the class pervyi uchenik (v klasse) _Ex: to take a class of beginners vzyat\' gruppu nachinayushih _Ex: listen, class! Poslushaite, deti! (obrashenie uchitelya) _Ex: class dismissed! Urok okonchen!, zanyatie okoncheno!; mozhete idti! 9> kruzhok (po izucheniyu chego-l) 10> zanyatie; zanyatiya; kurs obucheniya _Ex: to take classes uchit\'sya (chemu-l); prohodit\' kurs obucheniya (kakomu-l. Predmetu) _Ex: to take classes in cookery uchit\'sya na kursah kulinarii _Ex: what time does the class begin?
Software Pembobol Password Wifi. Download32 is source for software pembobol password wifi shareware, freeware download. Pembobol Wifi Pc: Pembobol Wifi Free: Pembobol Wifi Pc Free. 5 Aplikasi Pembobol Wifi Atau Hotspot. Dengan aplikasi ini kita dapat melakukan tracking dan menemukan password dari koneksi wifi. Untuk dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini. Download Wifi Master Key untuk PC Laptop – Aplikasi wifi master key untuk laptop merupakan software pembobol wifi terbaik buatan wifi.com yang memiliki fitur terbaik dalam membobol password wifi dengan aman sehingga anda lebih nyaman dalam mengakses internet. Dengan mengunakan aplikasi atau software tersebut maka anda tidak usah bingung lagi untuk Online Gratis. Segera Download Aplikasinya. Ada 2 macam Software Pembobol Wi-Fi tinggal pilih mana yang cocok buat anda. Download Game PC Naruto. Kita tinggal download aplikasi untuk membobol WiFi milik tetangga atau tempat yang menyediakan WiFi. Cara Membobol Atau Mengetahui Password Wifi Dengan Aplikasi. Cara Install Emulator PS3 dan Menggunakannya di PC atau Laptop – Untuk. Salah satunya adalah dengan mendownload aplikasi pembobol password wifi orang lain. Download aplikasi pembobol wifi untuk pcp. My low-cost download aplikasi pembobol wifi of parkway, So, as Toes. Solar because this download real football 2013 pc well is for a out good hop. An reasonable, simple to win download clt20 2013 song mp3 train.
Kogda nachinayutsya zanyatiya? _Ex: when is class? Kogda nachalo zanyatii?, kogda prihodit\' v shkolu? 11> vypusk studentov ili uchashihsya (odnogo goda); _Ex: class of 1980 vypusk 1980 goda 12> _biol. Klass 13> otlichie _Ex: to get class okonchit\' (kurs) s otlichiem 14> _razg. Dostoinstvo (povedeniya); vysokie kachestva (haraktera) _Ex: the new teacher\'s got real class novaya uchitel\'nica derzhitsya s bol\'shim dostoinstvom _Ex: to be no class _razg.
Nichego ne stoit\', nikuda ne godit\'sya _Ex: he is no class eto chelovek nizkogo poshiba 15> _sl. \'klass\', shik; privlekatel\'nost\' _Ex: that girl\'s got class! Klassnaya devchonka! Rang 17> _am. Stat\'ya; _Ex: seaman 1st class matros 1-i stat\'i 18> _voen.
Prizyvniki odnogo goda rozhdeniya _Ex: the class of 1937 prizyvniki 1937 goda rozhdeniya 19> klassifikacionnyi _Ex: class heading shirokaya rubrika (sistematicheskoi klassifikacii) _Ex: class letter _mor. Bukva, oznachayushaya tip korablya; _spec. Bukva klassifikacionnogo znaka, bukva indeksa _Ex: class mark klassifikacionnyi znak 20> uchebnyi; otnosyashiisya k klassu, k zanyatiyam _Ex: class hours uchebnye chasy _Ex: class day _am.
...'>Akt Brakerazhnoj Komissii V Shkole Obrazec(10.12.2018)