I have built this project to burn my small PIC's This is a serial programmer works on the RS232 ( PC serial port ), known as JDM Programmer, thanks to the site which contains the schematic and the programmer software. The programmer is powered from the Serial port itself, so there's no need to any external power supply. But be careful this circuit will not work with the Laptop Serial port due to the weak voltages it has. - I have used a very nice programmer software called 'Win PIC Programmer' you can download it from it's very stable and powerful.

The project has been tested with the following IC's: PIC16f84A PIC16f628A. I have made the PCB using WinQcad Software it's easy and has a nice autorouting feature. Please download the PDF document which contains the true scale dimensions. You will see two files: PCB.pdf and PCB_copper_pour.pdf the second one has a 'mass copper pour' to save your etching solution and to speed up the etching process without affecting your tracks. - I used the Toner Transfer method draw the tracks, i can say the output is nice. I have included the steps required to make PCB in the following steps.


ICA01 USB PIC Programmer Set allows users to program their hex code into Microchip PIC by using In-Circuit Programming (ICSP) & Adapter. The programmer is powered from the Serial port itself, so there's no need to any external power supply. But be careful this circuit will not work with the Laptop Serial port due to the weak voltages it has.

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